Learn MongoDB in 14 Steps: A 10 Minutes Guide (Updated 2024)

Learn MongoDB in

Last Updated On - April 21st, 2024 Published On - Mar 02, 2023


What is MongoDB and why is it used?

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL document-oriented database. It is designed to be scalable, flexible and provides high performance. MongoDB stores data in JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas, making it easy to store and retrieve data.


How to install MongoDB on Mac?

Windows users can download the MSI file form https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community and click next then next then next until the last step. The usual way.

Mac users need to install homebrew on their system which they can install by following the steps mentioned on their official site https://brew.sh/

1. Install xcode-select

xcode-select --install

2. Make brew aware of MongoDB. The tap command

brew tap mongodb/brew

3. Install MongoDB – Don’t forget to mention version

brew install mongodb/community@6.0

4. Start MongoDB services – This you have to execute, everytime you start working with mongodb

brew services mongodb-community@6.0

5. To make the MongoDB services run always

`/usr/local/etc/mongod.conf` this path you will get in the response of the installation command

mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf --fork

6. The last command – Open the mongo shell


This is how it looks like when your mongo shell is up and running

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CRUD Operations

How to create a database in MongoDB?

1. show all databases

show dbs

2. create database if not exist and switch to this database

use students

How to create a collection in MongoDB?

3. creating a collection and adding data to the collection


4. Insert multiple records at once


How to list all records in a collection?

5. list all the records of this collection


6. Return only 1st record of the collection


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How to search for a record in a collection?

7. Search the collection for name == Prashant and return only 1st record of the collection


8. Search the collection for name == Prashant and return all matching records of the collection


9. Search the collection for name == Prashant and return only 2(whatever the limit) matching records of the collection


How to update a record in MongoDB?

10. Update the first record. Search for name == Prashant and update it to Jhon.


11. Update all matching records. Search for name == Prashant and update it to Jhon.


How to delete a record in MongoDB?

12. Delete 1st matching records. Search for name == Jhon and delete the 1st record


How to delete all records in a collection?

13. Delete all matching records. Search for name == Jhon and delete all matching records


14. Delete all records. Make the collection empty


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  • Find by id
  • Update by id
  • Delete by id
  • Install Mongo Compass and perform the same operations